We'll provide affordability,
so you can focus more on the moments that truly matter.

We'll provide affordability,
so you can focus more on the moments that truly matter.

We'll provide affordability,
so you can focus more on the moments that truly matter.

A trusted partner for families in managing long-term aging

Supporting loved ones through aging can be complex. 3rd Age Crew becomes your trusted partner, simplifying caregiving with a platform that manages family involvement, coordinates seamlessly with healthcare providers, and offers insightful tools. We empower you to navigate this journey with confidence, providing personalized services for your unique needs.

Learn how to manage your parents & loved ones

Join with Other Family Members

Store and Access Important Contacts and Documents

Learn About Medicare Benefits

Forecast Care Spending and Finances

Find Tailored Services and Deals

Involve your family members

Caring for your loved ones is a joint effort. Working together as a family ensures everyone feels informed and involved in your parent's care. Add family members as users so everyone’s on the same page.

Learn how to manage your parents & loved ones

Join with Other Family Members

Store and Access Important Contacts and Documents

Learn About Medicare Benefits

Forecast Care Spending and Finances

Find Tailored Services and Deals

Involve your family members

Caring for your loved ones is a joint effort. Working together as a family ensures everyone feels informed and involved in your parent's care. Add family members as users so everyone’s on the same page.

Learn how to manage your parents & loved ones

Join with Other Family Members

Store and Access Important Contacts and Documents

Learn About Medicare Benefits

Forecast Care Spending and Finances

Find Tailored Services and Deals

Involve your family members

Caring for your loved ones is a joint effort. Working together as a family ensures everyone feels informed and involved in your parent's care. Add family members as users so everyone’s on the same page.

Success Stories

Marie D.

Taking care of my mother is much easier now that I'm able to do it all in one app.

Cameron W.

My father's quality of life drastically improved since we joined 3rd Age Crew. No more stressing about how to manage his care or where to get started.

Sharon G.

My mother began aging rapidly and I needed to figure out how to start taking care of her, and quickly. 3rd Age Crew provided me with the tools and resources to get organized and take care of my mom.`

Save $$ and ⌛ on essentials not covered by Medicare

Save $$ and ⌛ on essentials not covered by Medicare

Save $$ and ⌛ on essentials not covered by Medicare

Don’t be left in the dark on what Medicare covers and what it doesn’t.  Our platform allows you to utilize the different Medicare benefits and offers savings on services that aren’t covered.

Manage Care

Manage Care

As our parents age, managing multiple doctors, caregivers, and resources can become overwhelming. A centralized contact list simplifies this process, reducing stress and making it easier to provide the care they need.

Financial Management

Financial Management

With increased lifespans comes the need for long-term financial planning. Don't get caught off-guard by unexpected expenses. Our AI Forecaster, combined with your health data, predicts both expected and unforeseen costs over the next 12 months, helping you prepare for a secure financial future.

Personalized Marketplace

Personalized Marketplace

Discover personalized services tailored to your needs and budget. Our app connects you with local providers offering exclusive discounts, making it easier than ever to care for your loved ones.